Thursday, September 21, 2006


A friend and I tonight got to talking. I fleshed out some thoughts I was having while driving to work the other day. When thinking about the evolution vs. creationism debate, you hear all the regular theories. In Barnes & Noble, I saw some book by a brilliant Christian scientist who states that God created the world, but through the mechanism of evolution. I've heard this one before - nothing new. Except that I had a new thought:

God has always been, at His heart, relational. He's always had the fellowship of the Trinity; He's (maybe not always, but for quite some time) had a host of angels around Him in heaven. There was always relationship. So, from what we know of the personality of God, would God create a world that has vast spaces of time where nothing could relate to Him? I'm discounting the idea of God having deep relationship with primordial matter.

From the account in the Bible, God was either in relationship with the Trinity, with the angels in heaven, or with Adam & Eve in the garden at any given time. I don't believe He would have gaps of time waiting for something human, with a soul and the ability to think and relate. It seems inefficient, if not downright wasteful. I also believe God can create human life on the spot - He's that powerful. I'm not sure I see Him waiting millions of years for humanity to come about through evolution (although time as we know it here on earth is like a second to God).

Not that He couldn't do it in this manner. I'm just trying to think about the personality of God and weigh it against an earth that's supposedly billions of years old. What's the point?

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